The RSA Fellowship Network combines the best of an academic fellowship with high-volume surgical opportunities.
~ The program consists of a network of fellowship sites from around the world. Fellows and preceptors work under the guidance of the RSA Academic Directors, following a formal curriculum.
~ Fellows work at their host site under the mentorship of an expert refractive surgeon and participate in approximately bi-weekly Conclaves over web meetings. The Conclaves provide didactic exposure to the full spectrum of refractive surgery topics.
~ Other program elements include guided research, business training, participation in the Refractive Surgery Alliance Master of Refractive Surgery (MORS) programs, Journal Club, career guidance, and live-meeting participation.
~ A global view of refractive surgery with lively and expert discussions, developing an expert-level understanding of all facets of refractive surgery.
~ Active administrative support with Fellow/Director Quarterly Meetings, support for the onboarding process, practice visits, surgical video reviews, research support, assistance with transition to post-fellowship positions, and more!
A Structured Curriculum
The RSA Fellowship program includes advanced training in corneal, refractive, and anterior segment conditions and surgery with a strong emphasis is on refractive surgery and all forms of vision correction. Applicants who seek a career exclusively in cornea and external disease with no interest in refractive surgery should seek other opportunities.
The RSA Fellowship Program is a 2-year program – Year-1 is the “Fellow” year, and Year-2 is the “Associate” year. Both years are spent working within the host practice and alongside the Preceptor.
The RSA Fellowship Program is a structured, standardized curriculum accredited by the World College of Refractive Surgery & Visual Sciences, which oversees curriculum and accreditation for training in refractive surgery for surgeons and ancillary personnel.
RSA Fellowship Fellows and Associates participate in the fellowship network, including virtual Conclaves run by the academic director, RSA courses, Journal Club, and the opportunity to rotate to other clinical sites, as appropriate.
The Associate year contract is undertaken by mutual agreement of the Fellow and the Preceptor. This design aims to prepare the Associate with a skill-set of how to run a practice and to succeed as an entrepreneurial refractive surgeon. Associates participate in the business training where/when available, assist in mentoring first-year Fellows, and have the opportunity to perform significant additional surgical volume.
Year-1 of the RSA Fellowship Network Curriculum (Fellow)
The cornerstone of this program is the RSA core value of collaboration. Fellows in each cohort experience this unique fellowship program together and will continue their collaboration likely throughout their careers.
“Fellows” in participate in the following:
~ VIRTUAL CONCLAVES: Held approximately every 2 weeks, Conclaves bring the fellows together with the RSA Fellowship Academic Directors and guest faculty to provide in-depth training and skills transfer on core topics.
~ VIRTUAL JOURNAL CLUB CONCLAVES: Held once monthly, bring the fellows together with the RSA Fellowship Academic Directors to take deep-dives into peer-review literature and to highlight “landmark” articles that should be front of mind for every RSA surgeon.
~ ELECTIVES: Fellows may take observational “Electives” at other Network sites, based on mutual agreement with their preceptor. Elective sites are both in the US and abroad. They provide opportunities to experience different practice settings, explore research interests, and learn about the business aspects of building and running a practice.
~ FOUNDATIONS: Three RSA “Foundations” courses, a core element of the RSA MORS program, prepare the fellow to participate in the innovation process. Each course is presented over virtual sessions led by Michael Mrochen, PhD, a leading ophthalmic innovator. Topics include lasers, lenses, optics, materials, intellectual property protection, the patent process, innovation, and training on how to serve on medical advisory boards. The Foundations Courses consist of 3-Modules that rotate over a 2-year period. Fellows are expected to participate in all Foundations Modules that occur during their Fellowship.
~ COURSES: Clinical didactics are taught in a variety of “RSA Solutions” programs such as that offered by Dan Reinstein, MD of the London Vision Clinic and the ICL Surgery Course, offered by Roberto Zaldivar, MD and Roger Zaldivar, MD, MBA at Instituto Zaldivar, SA. Participation in these courses may be in-person or virtual, depending on availability and circumstance.
~ MEETINGS: Each fellow is expected to develop one or more projects and present the results at a major ophthalmic “Meeting” during the fellowship. Participation in meetings may be in-person or virtual, depending on circumstance.
~ ADDITIONAL SURGERY: Additional surgical training in MSICS is available for selected fellows who wish to participate in global medical projects.
~ MEMBERSHIP: Fellows/Associates are granted membership in the Refractive Surgery Alliance (RSA) throughout their participation in the RSA Fellowship, with all the rights and privileges of full RSA members.
Development of high-quality surgical skills is a main emphasis of the program. Fellows are expected to perform more than 300 procedures during Year-1 as a Fellows and a total of at least 1,000 procedures when completing Year-2 as an Associate during the 2-year program.
Year-2 of the RSA Fellowship Network Curriculum (Associate)
Host Sites are scheduled to have one first-year Fellow and one second-year Associate. The first-year Fellow is mostly occupied with learning, which the second-year Associate participates in both teaching and learning. Associate year compensation is on parallel with salary levels found in post-training practice opportunities and is by mutual agreement between Associate and Preceptor.
“Associates” participate in the following program elements:
~ PHYSICIAN CEO®: Due to the scheduled demolition and complete structural removal of the James L Allen Center (Home of Executive Education, Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University) the PHYSICIAN CEO® program will resume programming upon the opening of the new building building, anticipated to be approximately January of 2028.
~ PRACTICE DEVELOPMENT: Associates develop a formal business plan that they intend to execute upon completion of the Associate term. The business plan involves market selection, practice mission, values, scope and goals, personnel descriptions, marketing plan, equipment selection, space needs analysis, branding, financial projections, funding strategies, and all the other components of a comprehensive business plan. The plan is not theoretical, it is meant to be executed!
~ TEACHING: Associates are mentored on how to train refractive surgeons and collaborative care personnel.
~ RESEARCH: Additional clinical research opportunities are available for Associates.
Post Fellowship Opportunities
The RSA Fellowship program includes a standardized curriculum experience with a strong focus on skills transfer across several dimensions of expertise – clinical, surgical, business, practice development, innovation, teaching, research, and collaboration.
RSA Fellows are often offered a high-earning, supervised practice opportunity in an RSA-approved practice, by mutual agreement. This ensures immediate positioning and the successful launch of Fellows in their chosen specialty, right from the start.
As well, opportunities exist to create a new practice for exceptional RSA Fellows who are entrepreneurial, employ a values-based approach to their work, and have a passion to lead in refractive surgery. Alternatives to the supervised practice opportunity are also available, for those who wish to enter practice outside the RSA Network.